Teens Take Over The Money JAR Podcast


September 24, 2018

Teens Take Over The Money JAR Podcast

The Money JAR podcast, a production from JA of Oregon and SW Washington‘s office that's hosted by two JA alumni, delivers a new episode each week about kids, families, and money, Along with guest experts, show hosts Evan Wilson and Todd Yuzuriha pair their unique perspectives with a mild dose of humor as they attempt to demystify the common challenges all families face while educating their children on the economics of life.

This week, the show lets teens take the reins and lead a discussion on two key performance characteristics—grit and curiosity—that are shown in research to be associated with success. Recorded as a part of JA USA's new summer program JA NLX, students are featured as guests and show hosts. Staged in two parts, each group of teens digs into what the traits mean to them and how getting curious, being passionate, and persevering can help you learn and achieve more.

Here's this week's show:

We'll update this post when next week's show is available.